Don’t be envious of others. Just because you think they have a better title or seem to have more money doesn’t mean it’s true. The person you view as a “higher up” may hate the position they are in. The person who seems to have money may be living on debt. Not making assumptions is a topic for another day.
Similarly, don’t be vindictive. Don’t try to get even. If you really analyze a situation where think doing so is the right course of action, the only one keeping score is you, and then you are the one losing, for sure. It take time to build a good reputation and mere moments to destroy it.
This goes to something I have mentioned before. Do your best at whatever it is you do and let what happens happen. But in doing so, do it in a way that is honest and you can look back with no regrets, because, if you don’t, the person you “run over” may be the vindictive sort. If that persons tries to get even it will waste your time and take your focus from the things you need to or would rather be focusing on.
Always look forward, not backward, to avoid getting mired in keeping score or settling scores.