People have opinions. And sometimes they actually are good to hear. Really.
It can be a good idea to bounce issues, ideas, etc. off of someone, whether a mentor, colleague, spouse. But just because they tell you what works for them, or what they think will work, the best response is “Thanks, I am going to think about that.” The reason for this is what works for one person may not work for another.
It can be simple things. I use Outlook’s Calendar features to keep track of meeting, deadlines and anything else. Others in my firm or who I know swear by the Tasks function. You say tomato, I say tomato. I think you get the picture.
At the same time, ideas or processes from others can be helpful. I always am looking to create efficiencies or do things in a more organized or better way. It is better to always be open to new idea and thoughts, but at the end of the day you have to think for yourself.
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