Archives for September 2018

Without your health you have nothing

We all have good genetics and bad genetics. The thing is, we only find out what that means as we get older. And all of us will have adverse health issues at some point in time. So what can you do about it?

Take care of yourself along the way. Generally eat healthy and exercise. By generally, I mean that once in a while you should have that piece of cake or whatever it is you like that may not be the best for you. But if you eat healthy most of the time, that once in a while indulgence won’t set back your efforts to be healthy.

If you are not sure how to eat healthy, I encourage you to read on how to do so or see a nutritionist.  This is important because many people think they are eating healthy, but really aren’t. Two important things to keep in mind: (1) there are ways to eat healthy even if you don’t like a lot of fruits or vegetables, and (2) as far as your weight, it mostly relates to eating and a little bit to exercise (though there are many reason to exercise).

Despite what I just said, you should incorporate exercise into your life. Hopefully there is an activity you like. If you don’t have something you like to do, you need to try activities to find one or more things you like to do. You also need to find times in your week to do them. Most people seem to find that it is easier to make it a routine, whether going to a gym, running, mountain biking, etc.

If you start eating better and exercising you will feel better. This is true even if you feel good now. The benefit is that when those health bumps hit, and you are in good shape, it likely will make whatever you are dealing with easier to recover from. If you do these things for yourself, it will help you in the long run.


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Don’t be so stressed!

Yes, I know that this can be easier said than done. When I speak with people about their business, I usually hear how well things are going and how great everything is. Many times what I am hearing is true. Other times, further into the conversation, I learn the truth, which is, whether or not things are going well, the person is under incredible stress.

It is impossible to be stress free all the time, but living in constant state of stress is unhealthy. You could google it, but you already know it’s true.

What do you do to try and control your stress? If something doesn’t come to mind immediately, you need to find something. For me, it’s hiking. For others I know, it’s cooking, playing music, golfing, etc.

We all have interests outside of our work and you need to find yours. And while video games could be your thing, I hope it’s not just aimlessly surfing the Internet or falling down the rabbit hole of social media. But if that’s really your thing and it helps you relax, do what works!

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Find success in failure

We all have heard the saying “You learn more from failure than success.” The truth is you can learn from both your successes and your failures. You do this by examining what lead to the success or failure.

I don’t end up in what are referred to as beauty contests often. This is when a potential client is speaking with or interviewing more than one attorney or law firm from which one will be chosen. When I have, I have won some and lost some. When I have lost out on an opportunity, instead of just moving on or focusing on my current clients, I have reached out to the potential client and asked why.

I don’t do this to try and have them second guess their decision and hire me. I do this to find out whether it is something I can learn from to have a better chance when I have the next opportunity. Most people will give you a few minutes of their time. More importantly, I also believe most people will be honest with you too.

Next time you don’t get the client, project, sale, etc., ask why and thank the person for telling you. Also, if you did get the client, project, sale, etc., ask why and thank the person for telling you.

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