Archives for June 2017

Channel Inspiration

You know when it hits. It can be anytime, and many times it is not at a convenient time. But when you have inspiration, don’t lose it.

For me it may be on an issue in a case. Whether I am at my desk, or in the middle of the night, I write it down. I usually use the Note app on my phone, but paper and pen still work. I have learned that if I do not do that at the time, there is a good chance my moment of brilliance will be lost. I may remember it later, but I may not.

The key is to know you have to record your thoughts when the inspiration hits. Come up with what works best for you. If not, you risk not remembering whatever fantastic thing has popped into your brain.

One way to think about it is what if you were a musician and you didn’t want to record that melody that came into your head, losing a possible big hit. Or if you were an author and you lose a great plot twist for the book you’re writing. We all have something equivalent in what we do for a living, or with personal; matters. So don’t lose your Stairway to Heaven, or Smells Like Teen Spirit, or whatever song you could be writing.

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Stand For Something and Respect Opinions

Have a viewpoint. Stand for something. If you don’t, you stand for nothing at all.

We don’t have to agree with others all of the time. But when you don’t, be respectful. Agree to disagree. You learn more from dialogue with someone you don’t agree with than with someone you agree with.

Plus, none of us are right all of the time. If someone says something that makes you potentially rethink a position or opinion, take the time to think about it or research the matter. Always try to speak from a position of knowledge, i.e. if you don’t know about a particular topic, don’t speak like you do. Those who do will know you are full of hot air and it will harm your reputation.

So don’t have a slinky for a spine. And know to keep quiet on topics you don’t know about. It will allow the backbone you should have not to be snapped, along with your reputation.

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