This past weekend I was reading something and saw the phrase “be the change you want to see.” I’ve heard it before and have written about the benefits of change. That day it struck me as I believe change and trying new things is the road to success in business, as well as in life and happiness.

When days are like being on a treadmill, life is monotonous. Maybe it struck me because I’m in the middle of a two-week long arbitration hearing and in many ways the days are like being on a treadmill. On this occasion it read to me as a manifesto saying to take action and therefore control of your own narrative.

In looking into and thinking about the benefits of change, I found and remembered that this saying is part of a quote from Ghandi, which says, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world also change.” His point is obvious: if you change what you’re doing the options and potential results change as opposed as waiting for others to change or, in most people’s thinking, for the others to magically help us.

An example is waiting and thinking you will happen to meet people who are beneficial to your business instead of having a plan to meet people and asking those who know you well to connect you with others. In that case the change is taking action instead of waiting for things to “happen” to or for you. The point is to change and take action now instead of waiting to see what others do (or don’t do). Be clear, this is a personal call to action that you alone are in control of.

We all have heard the stories of entrepreneurs who had many failures before hitting it big. When you implement change, you will fail many times. Think of it like a mailing campaign where success may be having a 5% response rate. For me that means that a high percentage of the people I connect or am connected with will not lead to new or increased business. If this sounds bad to you note that it’s reality because not every change or new action you take will be a homerun. Plus, the person you meet for lunch may end up referring you a great customer a year later based on that one meeting. You really never know.

None of this happens if you don’t change and try new things. You need to take the first step to create change, whether in relation to your work, to self improvement, or improving your community, such as volunteering or joining non-profit board. Once you start, others will take note and have the opportunity to join in, thereby providing a better opportunity for the change you’ve implemented to succeed. Even if you fail, you will learn, which improves your chances for success in the future.

Think of the change you want to see in your world and the world at large. Then set goals and analyze the steps to get there, which will lead you to the actions necessary to bring the change you seek. Don’t let the challenge to change hold you back. As the saying goes, the first step is the hardest. Challenges you have no control over always will come up as part of life, but by effecting change in yourself and through your actions you’re doing more than sitting by and waiting for things to happen or work out. You control the change you want to see and you should start now.