Winners know this. What do I mean? Being able to adjust on the fly is important. In my world it can mean abandoning the entire oral argument you spent hours preparing because of a question or statement by the judge. Or a position taken by my opposing counsel or a client question. The ability to shift gears on the fly allows you to be focused on the prize, whatever it may be.
Many times the change or adjustment does not need to be a split second decision. What if you plan a new business initiative, spend hundreds of hours on it and then learn something has changed or you missed a piece of information that makes it more challenging to succeed? Change is needed. Is it to scrap everything in the face of adversity? Is it to rethink and tweak your plan? Of course the true answer is that it depends on the situation. But once you acknowledge change is needed you have taken the first step.
And this matters in your professional life. Don’t become stagnant. To be on the top of your game you have to know when to adjust. Stay up to date on what you need to know to do what you do. Information is power. Information lets you know when you have to change or adjust.
Life is both a gift and a challenge in which we all can do a better job of doing our best for our customers and clients, as well as ourselves. So pay attention! And look for when you have to make adjustments and be open to change.